technical, web development and mobile app development trainings

PHP MySQL, Laravel framework course in Islamabad, Pakistan

We offer PHP MySQL, Laravel framework course in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Nizi Solutions is offering Training for Laravel framework course in Islamabad Pakistan. The course is organized such that will assist you with seeing every one of the fundamentals highlights of Laravel php system.

In this task based Laravel framework course in Islamabad, Pakistan understudies will learn web improvement utilizing PHP 7, PHP8 and Laravel Framework. It remembers fundamentals of web programming for PHP 7, PHP8, Object Oriented Programming in PHP 7, PHP 8, Installation and Configuration of Laravel Framework, information base advancement utilizing Eloquent (Laravel ORM Framework) and MySql.

Brief Content

  • Download Latest Laravel Framework via Composer
  • Intro of Laravel Directory Structure, Laravel Routing
  • Create Controller via PHP Artisan
  • Intro to Blade Template Engine
  • Integrating Front-End theme to Laravel
  • Create a components blade file and load in main controller file
  • Load Layout in controller
  • Create a global css and js file and load in main controller
  • REST APIs / REST Services: API routes, Controllers & Models
  • Consuming REST Services / REST API using AJAX and JSON
  • Download Laravel html collection package (form and html).
  • Create a registration form & Intro of CSRF Token
  • Create Forms & Handling Client side validation
  • Intro to Blade Template Engine
  • Uploading / Downloading Images using Laravel
  • Create & Managing Databases for Web using MySQL
  • Database Programming using Eloquent & MySql
  • Migration, Schema Builder, Seeders & Factories Eloquent
  • Testing, Debugging & Publishing PHP & Laravel Web Applications

Transitions & Animation

  • Enter/Leave & List Transitions
  • State Transitions


  • Installation
  • Introduction
  • The Vue Instance
  • Template Syntax
  • Computed Properties and Watchers
  • Class and Style Bindings
  • Conditional Rendering
  • List Rendering
  • Event Handling
  • Form Input Bindings
  • Components Basics


  • Component Registration
  • Props
  • Custom Events
  • Slots
  • Dynamic & Async Components
  • Class and Style Bindings
  • Handling Edge Cases
  • List Rendering


  • Single File Components
  • Unit Testing
  • TypeScript Support
  • Production Deployment

PHP MySQL, Laravel framework Course Outline

PHP Hyper Text Pre Processor – PHP

  • Introduction
  • PHP Essentials
  • Language Fundamentals: Variables, Constants
  • Decision Making Statement: If, ? & Switch
  • Loops: For, For-Each While & Do While
  • Statement: Break, Continue
  • Operators: Airthmetic, String, Assignment, Comparison, Incr/Decr etc.
  • PHP functions:
  • Arrays: Numerically Indexed, Associative
  • Array Functions: Join, Explode, Implode, In_Array, Array_Search.
  • String Functions: Strlen, Printf, Substr, Str_Replace
  • Server-Side Processing
  • Processing Forms via GET/POST
  • GET or POST?
  • State and Persistence: Cookies/Session
  • Web Application Development
  • Intro to PHP Frameworks
  • OOPs & MVC Concepts


  • What is SQL & MySQL and its Versions?
  • MySQL CLI: MySQL | GUI: phpmyadmin
  • Administration & Query Browser
  • Creating  Databases and Tables
  • Using keys
  • Table Types in MySQL
  • Data Types:Varchar, Int, Char, Date and Time
  • Deleting databases and tables
  • Inserting, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting data
  • MySQL User Accounts, Privileges and Access Control
  • MySQL documentation

Integrating PHP and MySQL

  • PHP interfacing with MySQL
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • Connecting to a database
  • Executing SQL
  • Retrieving the data set
  • Refining the fetch


  • Laravel Framework
  • Laravel Setup Requirements
  • Basic Routing
  • Blade Layout Files
  • Sending Data to Views
  • Controllers
  • Database & Migrations
  • Eloquent Namespacing & MVC
  • Directory Structure
  • Form Handling and CSRF Protection
  • Routing Conventions
  • CRUD Operations
  • PATCH and DELETE Requests
  • Cleaner & Crisper Controllers
  • 2 Layers of Validation
  • Eloquent Relationships
  • Form Action Considerations
  • Project

It is protected to say that you are looking for capable Laravel Development course in Islamabad Pakistan? Your chase completes here. Nizi Solutions offers a best Laravel Development course in Islamabad Pakistan.

Free Technical help for University Students ( only at: )

Fee Special Discount for University StudentsAlso Free Laravel Development Training Course for Needy Students

4 Week Laravel development Complete Course:

3 Months Laravel development Course:

6 Month Laravel Development Course:

Remote/Online Classes also available

Course Details

  • Classes: Online or Visiting tutors also available
  • Class Per Week: 3/4 Days
  • Weekend Course: Available
  • Saturday Sunday: 2 hrs/d
  • Admission Date:  Open

Evening Classes

  • 6:00 to   7:00
  • 7:00 to   8:00
  • 8:00 to   9:00
  • 9:00 to   10:00
  • 10:00 to 11:00
  • 11:00 to  12:00
  • 12:00 to  01:00

Morning Classes

  • 6:00 to   7:00
  • 7:00 to   8:00
  • 8:00 to   9:00
  • 9:00 to   10:00
  • 10:00 to 11:00
  • 11:00 to  12:00

Pick a Plan That Works for You

Plan I
Monthly Course Details
3 Months Complete Course
  • Training Duration: 6 Month(s)
  • Class Per Week: 3
  • Weekend Course: Available on (Saturday-Sunday)

Evening Classes

  • 8:00 to 9:00
  • 9:00 to 10:00
  • 10:00 to 11:00
  • 11:00 to 12:00
  • 12:00 to 1:00
Plan II
Complete Course Details
4 Week Complete Course
  • Training Duration: 4 Week Complete Course
  • Class Per Week: 3
  • Weekend Course: Available on (Saturday-Sunday)

Evening Classes

  • 8:00 to 9:00
  • 9:00 to 10:00
  • 10:00 to 11:00
  • 11:00 to 12:00
  • 12:00 to 1:00

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